For this project, a random image was given to us and we had to come up with something that related to the image. I had gotten this image below.
This was an unnamed file when I got it. I had to research what type of car it was, and I found out that it’s a 1959 Chevy Bel Air. And from there, I went into sketching. I’m not the best at drawing cars, but I had some idea of what I wanted to do.
This type of car reminded me of either the beach or of the future. I thought the beach idea was a little to cliché and the futuristic idea I could have a little more creativity. The 50’s period reminded me of a time when we thought the future was gonna be nice and everything would be swell – an idealistic view on the world. It was a time for further expansion into space and the fins on the car really helped me push the idea to illustrate this car with a space idea. I went with the second sketch idea and refined it. Below is the line art and final image.
The idea for this was to illustrate this car like it was an advertisement in a way. Some information about this car and how it differs from it’s previous models, as well as giving a nice slogan header to promote how this car leads into the idea of a perceived notion of what our future can look like. This illustration plays on 1950’s ads, but in the style of something you would maybe see today.